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© 1999-2023 UICC  Copyright United Intelligence Ltd

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ADD:Beiyuan Road Triumph City (Triumph Centre), Chaoyang District, Beijing, No. 170, Block C 17 layer / F, Block 303


Impartiality Statement

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UICC is accredited by CNAS and UKAS, which are ensuring constantly that bodies like UICC run their certification schemes in accordance with International Standards for Accredited Certification such as ISO/IEC 17021 and ISO/IEC 17065.
UICC fully understands the importance of impartiality in carrying out its management system and product certification activities. Our structure, policies and procedures are designed to manage any conflict of interest and to ensure the objectivity of our management system and product certification activities.
UICC is controlled by a Management Board, which has appointed an Impartiality Committee responsible for ensuring UICC remains impartial. The Committee includes representation from significant authorities and institutions but is structured in such a way that no single interest predominates. The Committee has the right to take independent action if UICC’s senior management do not respect its advice.
UICC is strictly independent and not involved in manufacturing, trading or other activities that might endanger our impartiality. There is no external influence on our decisions or opinions regarding the outcomes of our own operational activities. Our management and personnel understand the crucial importance of objectivity and integrity in carrying out certification. We analyze our activities on a regular basis to identify possible conflicts of interest to ensure undisturbed objectivity and impartiality. Additionally, UICC is evaluated in a transparent way by several accreditation bodies, audited by external organizations and qualified by governmental bodies.